Leave Travel Sickness at Home with Children’s Travel Sickness Tablets

Travel can be an exciting adventure for families, but for many children, it can also bring the discomfort of travel sickness. At Brixton Travel Clinic, we understand the challenges parents face when trying to ensure a smooth journey for their little ones. Travel sickness, also known as motion sickness, is a common issue among children and can make family trips stressful and unenjoyable. In this guide, we will delve into the causes of travel sickness in children, explore effective prevention strategies, and highlight the benefits of children’s travel sickness tablets to help ensure a more pleasant travel experience. If you’re looking for effective solutions, keep reading to learn more about how to manage and prevent travel sickness in children.

What is Travel Sickness?

Travel sickness, or motion sickness, occurs when there is a disconnect between the sensory signals sent to the brain. This mismatch can happen when the body is in motion, such as during car, plane, boat, or train travel. The inner ear, eyes, and other sensory receptors send mixed signals to the brain, leading to symptoms like nausea, vomiting, dizziness, sweating, and fatigue. Children are particularly susceptible to travel sickness because their sensory systems are still developing.

Common Causes of Travel Sickness in Children

Understanding the causes of travel sickness can help parents take preventive measures. Common triggers include visual stimulation, lack of fresh air, over eating, skipping meals, anxiety or stress.

Watching fast-moving objects, reading, or playing video games while in motion can exacerbate symptoms. Eating too much, skipping meals, and even eating new foods can trigger travel sickness.

Poor ventilation and strong odours in confined spaces can contribute to nausea.

Worrying about the journey can also play a role in inducing symptoms.

In addition, children with heightened sensitivity to motion are more likely to experience travel sickness.

children's travel sickness tablets

Prevention Strategies

Prevention is key to managing travel sickness in children. Here are some strategies recommended by Brixton Travel Clinic to help reduce the risk of travel sickness:

Benefits of Children’s Travel Sickness Tablets

For many parents, children’s travel sickness tablets provide a practical and effective solution to prevent and manage travel sickness. These tablets are designed specifically for young travellers and offer several benefits:

How to Use Children’s Travel Sickness Tablets

When using children’s travel sickness tablets, it’s essential to follow the guidelines to ensure maximum effectiveness and safety:

  1. Read the Instructions: Always read the label and follow the dosing instructions provided by the manufacturer or your healthcare provider.
  2. Timing: Administer the tablets 30 to 60 minutes before the start of the journey to allow the medication to take effect.
  3. Consult with a Pharmacist: If you have any concerns or questions about the medication, consult with a pharmacist or healthcare professional at Brixton Travel Clinic.
  4. Monitor for Side Effects: Be aware of any potential side effects and monitor your child closely. Common side effects may include drowsiness or dry mouth, but these are usually mild.

children's travel sickness tablets

Additional Support from Brixton Travel Clinic

At Brixton Travel Clinic, we are committed to supporting families in managing travel sickness and ensuring a pleasant travel experience. In addition to providing children’s travel sickness tablets, we offer personalised advice and comprehensive travel health services. Our experienced pharmacists can guide you on the best practices for preventing travel sickness and recommend suitable products tailored to your child’s needs.


Travel sickness can be a significant hurdle for families, but with the right strategies and tools, it can be effectively managed. At Brixton Travel Clinic, we offer a range of solutions, including children’s travel sickness tablets, to help ensure a comfortable and enjoyable journey for your little ones. By understanding the causes of travel sickness, implementing preventive measures, and using the right medication, you can minimise the impact of travel sickness and focus on creating wonderful travel memories with your family.

If you’re preparing for a trip and want to ensure your child is protected from travel sickness, contact Brixton Travel Clinic today. Our team of experts is here to provide you with the best advice and products to make your journey smooth and worry-free. Don’t let travel sickness hold you back – let us help you travel with confidence and ease.

This blog was written on behalf of Brixton Travel Clinic by Pharmacy Mentor.