Malaria Prevention Tablets
Are you wondering what the best malaria tablets are? Our team at Brixton Travel Clinic are here to guide you through your choice of malaria-prevention tablets, ensuring you make the right decision for yourself and your travel plans.
As a trusted provider of travel health services, we understand the excitement and anticipation that comes with planning a trip to exotic destinations. However, amidst all the excitement, it’s crucial to prioritise your health and safety, especially when travelling to areas where malaria is prevalent. Malaria is a serious and potentially life-threatening disease caused by parasites transmitted through the bite of infected mosquitoes. It affects millions of people worldwide, particularly in tropical and subtropical regions. Symptoms of malaria include fever, chills, headache, muscle aches, and fatigue, which can escalate rapidly if left untreated. Visit the NHS Fit for Travel website for information on the risk of malaria at your destination.
Malaria Prevention Medication
At Brixton Travel Clinic, we emphasise the importance of malaria prevention to all our patients travelling to high-risk areas. One of the most effective ways to protect yourself from malaria is by taking appropriate malaria prevention medication before, during, and after your trip.
We offer a range of malaria prevention medications to suit different needs and preferences. Let’s take a closer look at some of the options available:
Mefloquine (Lariam):
- Dosage: 250mg, taken once weekly
- Start: 2 weeks before travel
- Duration: 4 weeks after returning
- Age Requirement: Over 18 years old
- Cost: £2.70 each* + £10 RX Charge*
- Dosage: 100mg, taken once daily
- Start: 2 days before travel
- Duration: 4 weeks after returning
- Age Requirement: Over 12 years old
- Cost: £0.25 each* + £10 RX Charge*
- Dosage: One daily
- Start: 2 days before travel
- Duration: 7 days after returning
- Weight Requirement: For individuals over 40kg
- Cost: £3.20 each* + £10 RX Charge*
Generic (Atavaquone/Proguanil):
- Dosage: One daily
- Start: 2 days before travel
- Duration: 7 days after returning
- Weight Requirement: For individuals over 40kg
- Cost: £2.50 each* + £10 RX Charge*
Malaria Prevention Tablets for Children
For children under 12 years old or weighing less than 40kg, we offer Malarone Paediatric tablets, with the dosage depending on their weight. These tablets are crucial for protecting young travellers from malaria while ensuring their safety.
Which are the Best Malaria Tablets?
Now, you might be wondering, “Which are the best malaria tablets for prevention?” The answer varies depending on factors such as your medical history, any allergies you may have, your destination, and personal preferences. It’s essential to consult with our knowledgeable pharmacists who can guide you in selecting the most appropriate malaria-prevention medication based on your individual needs.
Remember, the goal of malaria prevention medication is to provide you with maximum protection against the disease while minimising any potential side effects. By taking the necessary precautions and investing in malaria prevention medication, you can enjoy your travels with peace of mind, knowing that you’ve taken proactive steps to safeguard your health.
Book an Appointment
At Brixton Travel Clinic, we are committed to ensuring that all our patients receive the highest standard of care and personalised advice when it comes to travel health. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us for more information or to schedule a consultation before your next adventure. Stay safe, stay healthy, and happy travels!

This blog was written on behalf of Brixton Travel Clinic by Pharmacy Mentor.