Conquering Altitude Sickness with Brixton Travel Clinic

Altitude sickness, also known as acute mountain sickness (AMS), is a common challenge for travellers ascending to high altitudes. As interest in high-altitude destinations grows, understanding how to prevent and manage AMS becomes increasingly important. At Brixton Travel Clinic in London, we provide expert guidance on altitude sickness tablets and other preventative measures to ensure our clients have safe and enjoyable high-altitude experiences.

Understanding Altitude Sickness

Altitude sickness occurs when your body struggles to adapt to lower oxygen levels at higher elevations. Symptoms often manifest within hours of ascent and can range from mild to severe, including headaches, nausea, dizziness, fatigue, and shortness of breath. In extreme cases, it can lead to more serious conditions such as high altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE) or high altitude cerebral edema (HACE), which require immediate medical attention.

The Role of Altitude Sickness Tablets

Altitude sickness tablets, primarily containing acetazolamide, are a well-established preventive measure for AMS. Acetazolamide helps to balance the acid-base levels in your blood, enhancing your breathing rate and thereby improving oxygen levels in your body. By accelerating acclimatisation, these tablets reduce the severity of altitude sickness symptoms.

Altitude sickness tablets

How to Use Altitude Sickness Tablets

  1. Consultation and Prescription: Before using altitude sickness tablets, it is essential to consult with a healthcare professional. At Brixton Travel Clinic, we offer personalised consultations to determine if acetazolamide is appropriate for you. Factors such as your health status, altitude gain, and previous experiences with high altitudes are considered.
  2. Dosage and Timing: The standard dosage is 125-250 mg taken twice a day. It is generally recommended to start taking the medication 1-2 days before beginning your ascent and continue for at least 48 hours after reaching the highest altitude. This proactive approach helps your body acclimatise more effectively.
  3. Side Effects and Precautions: While acetazolamide is effective, it can cause side effects such as tingling in the fingers and toes, frequent urination, and changes in taste. Staying well-hydrated and following the prescribed dosage can mitigate some of these effects. Individuals with allergies to sulfa drugs or specific health conditions should discuss alternatives with our clinicians.

Other Preventive Measures 

Altitude sickness tablets are a valuable tool, but they work best when combined with other preventive strategies:

Altitude sickness tablets

Your Partner in Safe High-Altitude Travel

At Brixton Travel Clinic, we prioritise your health and safety during your high-altitude adventures. Our comprehensive services include pre-travel consultations, altitude sickness prevention advice, and prescriptions for altitude sickness tablets. Here’s how we support your journey:

  1. Expert Consultations: Our experienced travel health professionals provide tailored advice based on your travel plans and health profile. We ensure you are well-prepared for the challenges of high-altitude travel.
  2. Vaccinations and Medications: Beyond altitude sickness tablets, we offer a wide range of travel vaccinations and medications to protect you from other health risks associated with your destination.
  3. Personalised Travel Health Plans: We create customised travel health plans, incorporating preventive measures, medication schedules, and tips for staying healthy during your trip.
  4. Post-Travel Care: Upon your return, we are here to address any health concerns that may arise, ensuring a comprehensive approach to your travel health.

Safe Travels! 

Altitude sickness should not deter you from exploring the world’s breathtaking high-altitude destinations. With the right preparation and preventive measures, including the use of altitude sickness tablets, you can minimise the risk and enjoy your adventure to the fullest. At Brixton Travel Clinic in London, we are dedicated to providing the knowledge and resources you need for a safe and memorable high-altitude experience.

Contact us today to schedule your pre-travel consultation and learn more about how we can support your journey with expert advice on altitude sickness prevention and more.


This blog was written on behalf of Brixton Travel Clinic by Pharmacy Mentor.